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FAQ tips for creating a kick-ass FAQs page

Frequently Asked Questions, commonly known as FAQ Pages, are a simple way to present important information. In this article we offer five FAQ tips on how to create your own FAQs page.

5 tips for creating an FAQs page

Tip #1: Gather appropriate questions

Your FAQ page should be a list of questions that people genuinely ask. Start by having a conversation with the people who answer your phones. What questions do they get asked most frequently? Ask your sales people and your front line staff, too. The questions you post should be relatively short to ask and answer. Order them from most important to least important.

Tip #2: Give your FAQs page a distinct focus

FAQs pages are not meant to the your website’s junk drawer. It should not be a page of random questions. Categorize your questions so visitors can find what they need quickly and easily.

Tip #3: Don’t try to answer every possible question

Your FAQ page is meant to answer the simplest, most common questions. The purpose is not to keep people from calling you, but rather to save them and you valuable time. Attempting to explain complex issues can be counter-productive.

Tip #4: Use visuals

When you can, and when it makes sense, include images and screen shots to illustrate an answer.

Tip #5: Optimize for scanning

Few people are going to read every word on your page, so write and style the page so that it is easy to scan. We want users to find what they need quickly and easily.

FAQ pages can save time and money.

Do you get asked the same questions over and over again? You’ve probably become accustomed to the standard questions people ask – whether they’re calling on the phone or sending you an email. List these questions and their answers in one place, on your FAQs page. Whenever someone visits your site, they will find concise answers to the most common questions.

FAQ pages can qualify your leads.

By offering answers to your most commonly asked questions, your potential customers can determine if you are a good fit. Low lead quality can cost time and energy that can be better spent on other prospects.

Search engines love FAQs pages.

If you are looking for your site to get found more often by those who are likely to need your services, an FAQs page can be a good start.

Because your website may be the first contact someone has with you, it is important that they have a good experience. A good FAQs page can do more than answer common questions. Web visitors are likely to infer that a good web experience means that they can expect good business experience as well.

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