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Best builder websites

In 2014 we built two websites for the construction industry. The first was JEM Woodworking and the second was George Lagonia Construction, Inc. In developing a unique look for these very different businesses, we looked at hundreds of websites. Below are the six we deem the best builder websites around. And by builder we included contractors, carpenters, cabinet makers, and homebuilders

Raptor Construction

There are plenty of reasons why we selected this site as one of the best builder websites.

  1.  It looks great. The pictures are fantastic, and the layout is clean and simple. There is nothing competing with the stunning photos or the important text.
  2. The About Us page contains a list of awards, press, and references that are interesting, relevant and compelling.
  3. The gallery of homes is easy to use.
  4. The site is mobile-responsive.

If I could change one thing on this website I would change the very wide single column of text used throughout the site to two columns. We know that the optimal line length for your body text is considered to be 50-60, and this site is double that amount. www.raptorconstruction.com

Highland Homes

This company is huge, building over 1,800 homes a year making them one of the leading single-family homebuilders in the U.S., yet their site is so simple. With so much information to convey, it would be easy for the site to be fancy, over-designed and slow. Instead it is simple and uncluttered. With no other information to go on, visitors to your site will base their expectations on your website. If it is hard to understand, difficult to follow, or frustrating to use, they will likely assume that working with you will be a similar experience.  www.highlandhomes.com

Highland Homes website homepage

Buchan Homes

Clean style, vibrant photos, and a navigation plan that is simple and intuitive. A good website looks so easy to do, but the truth is that it takes a thorough understand of what you want to say and who you want to say it to. It also takes careful planning and disciplined design. www.buchan.com

John Buchanan website homepage

John Gillis Cabinetry, Inc


John Gills website homepage


What I like most of all on this website is their gallery of ideas. The link is called “Inspire Yourself.” dewils.com

DeWils website inspiration page

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