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How to write a Call to Action that drives business

How to write a call to action that drives business

Creating content is one of the first steps in developing a good website. Once you have written the words and compiled the images, it’s time to start formatting the pages. Subheads and bulleted lists make text easy to scan. Call out quotes and images provide graphic interest. But what does a Call To Action do?

What is a Call To Action (CTA)?

A call to action is a marketing term for something designed to prompt an immediate response. A CTA can be a word or a phrase. It directs an audience to act in a specific way.

Some common CTAs include:

  • Subscribe
  • Start your free trial
  • Shop now
  • Contact us

Active vs passive

The list above includes examples of active calls to action. Strong command verbs direct and help people picture themselves taking the action.

Short vs long

The best calls to action are short. Think of a CTA as a signpost. Signs that are too long are difficult to understand. The same can be true for a call to action. Be concise and avoid using unnecessary words.

Styling the CTAs

Calls to action can be styled as buttons or links. The example below is from our website. Let’s Get Started is the Call to Action and it is styled as a button.

Screenshot of the Trevellyan.biz homepage Call to Action button

The example below is also from our website. Read More is the call to action.

Screenshot of website with calls to action (CTAs)

The purpose of a call to action is to motivate your potential customer to do something specific. It takes them from where they are to where you want them to be.

Why every page of your website needs a CTA

A well-organized, search engine optimized website addresses one main topic per page. This helps the site visitor navigate easily to the information they are looking for. In addition, addressing only one topic per page makes it easier to select the right keyword for each page.

When planning your website, keep in mind that while you know your website content inside and out, most of your visitors will be new to the site. Without clear direction, they may not understand what to do next. Consider the specific topic of each page and decide what it is that you would like the user to do next. Create a simple path for them to follow.

How strong CTAs can improve the effectiveness of your website

Without clear direction, the site visitor might not know what to do next. A CTA provides instruction to make it easier for them to find the information they want, connect with the person they need or solve the problem they have. A CTA can’t make someone take an action that they don’t want to do. However, it can guide them to the next step.

Start improving the effectiveness of your website by adding Calls to Action on every page

If you’d like us to review your website and offer recommendations for improvement, contact us. Call (518) 392-0846 or email [email protected].

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