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Five reasons why website updates are important

website updates being made on a laptop computer

A website is a great tool to promote your business. However, even after the site is up and running, the job is not complete. It is important to make frequent website updates, continuously add new content, and keep the site looking fresh and current.

Unlike every other form of advertising, websites are never finished. Done right, a website is a work in progress. Continually update and improve. The websites that work best, the ones that deliver the best results, are constantly being tweaked.

How often should I update content on my website?

There is no hard and fast rule, but “frequently” is a good start. Below are some solid reasons to give your website the special care and ongoing attention that it needs to be successful and productive.

1. New content is better than stale

Search engines rank websites with new content higher than websites with old content. Also, site visitors can find it off-putting if your content is old or out-of-date. How often one adds new content will differ from one business to another. Choose the interval for your business that allows you to keep the content current.

2. More frequent updates means more frequent indexing

Search engines send out bots to index web pages. The frequency which they return can depend on whether or not they found new content on their last search. When search engines look at your site more frequently, you have the opportunity to drive more traffic based on the quality of the content you provide. 

3. Posting updated content gives customers a reason to return to your site

Just like you want your clients to buy your products or use your services again and again, you also want them to return regularly to your website. Repeat customers tend to spend more and are more likely to try new products. A website that customers feel is valuable, one with relevant and up-to-date content, will help you build a customer base with trust and loyalty.

4. Know what they want

Review your web stats. What pages are visited most frequently? What information do your users find most appealing? This will help you determine a direction for new content that can draw even more visitors.

5. Search engines are constantly changing the way they index sites

The factors one directory considers important today may change dramatically tomorrow and every directory is different. But regardless of their criteria, your best bet is to always provide good, relevant content.

Outsourcing website updates can be a good choice for those who don’t have time to do it themselves.

Maintaining a small website doesn’t require a huge chunk of time, it can take as little as a few hours a month. Would you like us to manage the content on your website? Please call 518.392.0846 or email [email protected]. Learn more about our website content management services.

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