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What do the photos on your website say about your business?

How high-quality website photos can support your brand, project authenticity, and build trust.

It is difficult to overstate the importance that website photos play in communicating a message. High-quality photos that are relevant to your message can help support your branding and marketing, enhance your company’s authenticity and trustworthiness, and improve the user experience.

How images support branding and marketing.

First impressions are based on website photos and other visual elements

When someone first lands on your website, they will make a split-second judgement about who you are and what you do. They will also, in that same split-second, evaluate your professionalism and attention to detail. This snap judgement, whether accurate or not, can affect their overall impression of the quality of your product or service—without knowing anything else about you or your company.

You can positively influence a site visitor’s first impression by using powerful, relevant images that grab their attention. Images should be well-composed, well-lit, sharp (not blurry) and high-enough resolution to not be pixelated when displayed at their largest size.

Value and mission

What are the values of your company? What is your mission statement? To create images that support your marketing, make sure that your images support your value and mission.

Good website photos build trust and brand confidence

Real, authentic photos taken by you or a professional can give your site a genuine feel. One of the goals of a website should be to present your company as a professional, trustworthy organization. When you use high-quality images, you are demonstrating that you value attention to detail.

How website photos affect authenticity.


When selecting images for your website, pay special attention to the style of the images. Color, perspective, detail and framing are four elements to consider. When images are styled consistently, it gives your entire site a sense of cohesion and professionalism.

Quality website photos can bring your product or service to life

Help potential customers envision using your products or services. For example, if you sell ice cream, have photos of customers enjoying your cones on a hot day. In advertising we use the phrase “sell the sizzle, not the steak.” This means that rather than showing someone working with your product, show them enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Quality images can trigger emotions

Images that elicit a strong emotional response can create a deeper level of engagement between the viewer and your organization. This deeper level can lead to increased loyalty and sales.

Build social media

Powerful website photos that you’ve created can also be used in your social media.

Images can enhance user experience.

Every website photo should have a purpose

As with all good marketing, it is important to clearly understand what your goal is. Good images can help convey your message. But if you’re unclear as to what your message is, the images you choose may come across as disjointed or confusing to your potential customers.

Be selective

When it comes to graphics on a website, more is not necessarily better. Avoid using two versions of the same photo. By being selective and using only the best images, you are demonstrating that you value your customer’s time and want to be efficient, as well as thoughtful.

What makes a good website photo?

Good composition and storytelling are two elements that go into every good photo. The best photos evoke an emotion that helps the viewer feel more connected with you and your organization.

Stock art vs your own unique images

Stock images are often easily recognizable. They can be bland, nondescript and lack context. If you can fit professional photography into your budget, the return can be substantial. See our related article: Clip Art Tips: Using and Purchasing Stock Art.

What is the right number of website photos for your website?

At the start of a new web development project, our clients often ask us this question. However, there is no magic number. You need as many images as it takes to support the content.

What do your website photos say about you?

We are not photographers. We do not have a profit-sharing relationship with any photography studio and we don’t receive kickbacks for pointing clients toward our favorite local photographers. However, we want our web clients to be as successful as possible. We know how important good images are in attracting and converting new customers, as well as building loyal relationships with current clients.

If you’d like help improving the images on your website, call us at (518) 392-0846 or email [email protected]. To learn more about our services, please visit our website design and development services page.

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