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Email marketing checklist

Email marketing is a powerful and cost-effective channel for spreading your message and staying in contact with your customers. We’ve created this email marketing checklist to help ensure that the emails you send are relevant and valuable to the people on your list.

To ensure the best result, review this email marketing checklist before creating a new campaign

Email Marketing ChecklistKnow your goal

The first step to creating an effective email marketing piece is to decide what the goal is. Be specific. Are you trying to drive traffic? Are you trying to spur sales? Do you want the receiver to schedule an appointment? Clearly state your goal and make it a call to action.

Know your audience

Everyone on your list signed up for a reason. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that every email you send makes sense in that context. Ask yourself, will they find this information valuable?


There are several ways to personalize an email.
a. Segmentation: Send messages to targeted groups within your list. Relevant campaigns get better results.
b. Use Your Own Data: Review your data and see what time of day or what day of the week people are opening your emails. The goal is to have the email arrive at the time that is most convenient to the receiver. The longer the email sits unopened, the more likely it is to get buried by other emails.
c. Everyone Loves Their Own Name: Most email marketing services will allow you add the subscriber’s name in the text of the email, some will even let you add it to the subject line.
d. Personalize Your Sent From Address: Instead of sending from your general company email, consider sending it from an individual employee’s address. This will appear more personalized, and less spammy.

Short is sweet

Subscribers are likely to read a short email right away. According to a study by Boomerang, emails between 50 and 125 words had the best response rates at just above 50%. Longer emails are more likely to be deleted or saved to be read at a later date. Those saved for a later date may never get read or read so late that the offer or event has passed.

Create a sense of urgency

The final point of our email marketing checklist addresses the sense of urgency that you want to create. Urgency entices people to act quickly. Often when someone isn’t responding to a call-to-action, it’s because they’re thinking about it, or waiting to feel compelled to act. A feeling of urgency cuts through the delay and can improve conversion rates.

Learn more about our email marketing services by visiting this page of our website. If you’d like help building or managing your email marketing, contact us by calling (518) 392-0846 or email [email protected].

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